CMFAS Academy is the market leader in E-Learning for the financial industry. Since 2008, we have accumulated 17 years of expertise training candidates for CMFAS, FMRP, CACS or other insurance exams from SCI and IBF.

Being the only service vendor capable of delivering corporate E-Learning solutions, such as Learning Management System (LMS) integration, we can guarantee your success.

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Mark Tan
Mark Tan
5 Stars Review Rating
"CMFAS extensive question bank was very useful in aiding my revision and reinforcing my understanding of the topics in the CACS exam. Hence I passed on my first sitting."
Jessica Koh
Jessica Koh
5 Stars Review Rating
"Awesome! E-learning and Practice Questions were very useful and easy to comprehend. Especially for someone who has no Financial background. It has helped me for all my 6 papers I did within 1.5 months."
Maëlle Meurzec
Maëlle Meurzec
5 Stars Review Rating
"Excellent portal to help prepare you for the exam. Passed on my first try for all papers thanks to this platform!"


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