17 years. That's how long CMFAS Academy has been around. We were the first E-Learning company in the space when we launched in 2008, and we are still the market leader in providing e-learning solutions to individuals and corporate clients for MAS regulatory exams, such as the CMFAS series, as well as FMRP and CACS papers.
We are also the only service provider that has SCORM-compliant E-Learning packages ready to be integrated with Learning Management Systems (LMS). Among our corporate clients are top life insurers and retail banks.
Our content is written by qualified professionals, holding a minimum of an Advanced Degree, CFA certification, or 20 years of industry experience.
We invite you to google "CMFAS Academy google reviews" to read genuine testimonials from our customers. We are top of the league to have reviews on Google since collection started in 2019, rating 4.6 out of 5 on average. We do not reward positive reviews, so all of them are 100% truthful and genuine.
We don't just aim to help candidates pass their exams, but to help them do so quickly and efficiently. This is made possible by offering innovative features such as Mathathon, Translated Explanations, Speed Reference and Online Mentorship.
Click Practice Questions to begin practising mock exam questions, or E-Learning to check out our E-Learning tutorials. Don't forget to try Mathathon, made possible with our patent-pending innovation RES™ technology, Ranmath Examination System. (US Patent Appln #15955725)
CMFAS.com.sg is not affiliated or related to MAS, IBF, SCI, LIA or other organisation or agency.
For more information on the Examinations, please visit the relevant websites:
Institute of Banking & Finance: http://www.ibf.org.sg/
Singapore College of Insurance: https://www.scicollege.org.sg/
MAS: https://www.mas.gov.sg/